Thursday, February 2, 2017

Hey, #tRump Voters, Guess Who Pays...

For #tRump's (R-Ferret-Wearing-Shitgibbon), Steve Bannon (R-Racist Traitor) and Rex Tillerson's (R-Exxon) South China Sea dumbfuckery?  Won't be the kids of their rich buddies.  It's gonna be you, your kids and all the people in the military and the rest of us in the middle class.  These traitorous new versions of #BenedictArnold are going to pick a shooting war with China.  You're going to be the ones getting shot full of lead.  Not Our Dear Leader, the #NuclearCheeto, #ElCaudilloDelMar-A-Lago, Donald J. #tRump's kind.  When was the last time someone like #OrangeFoolius had anyone in harm's way?  Well, a Democrat family did, in World War II:  the Kennedy family, for sure.  The #VulgarTalkingYam skipped out on Vietnam on bogus deferments. 

So, you've been played...and now you're going to pay.  And the rest of us will be forced to pay the same bill, but we didn't get drunk with you.  So, thanks. Thanks a whole fucking lot...

The Rest of Us (Also Known As:  The Majority Of The Country).

PS:  Open note to the world:  We're SOOO fucking sorry...

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