Thursday, February 2, 2017

Well Damn, There Goes South Park...

The creators of South Park have announced that the real life comedy inside the White House is so over the top, that they can't beat it.  Therefore, they're going to leave #OrangeFoolius, Our Dear Leader, the #NuclearCheeto, #ElCaudilloDelMar-A-Lago, Donald J. #tRump (R-Ferret-Wearing-Shitgibbon) alone for now.  That. Just. Blows. Because South Park's political comedy makes me look like a rank amateur (not like I'm NOT an amateur anyway, but still).

But Jesus H. Christ on a stick!  To not have stuff like this?


A sad, sad day...

1 comment:

  1. That is disappointing. The could simply repeat everything that actually happens, or even just repeat what is rumored, and it would make great animation. Then again, if they reproduced reality, people would think it was satire, and that would make things worse, as we already have the problem of 25-40% of the population _ignoring reality_.
